The latest research on the relationship between EOE and food allergy

I recently listened to Dr Ruchi Gupta on the “Real Talk: Eosinophilic Diseases” podcast, created by the American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders (Apfed). This episode provides a very informative and insightful summary of the Co-morbidity of Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EOE) and Food Allergy. (In layman’s terms: co-morbidity is the simultaneous presence of two medical conditions, i.e. EOE and food allergy.) 

I was especially eager to learn more about the research that is happening -- there is such little information available on this topic.

Real Talk podcast cover featuring Dr Ruchi Gupta talking about the relationship of food allergy and EOE

The episode is full of insight, some of the topics Dr Gupta addresses include:

·      How food allergies and EOE are different

·      How treatments differ for EOE and food allergies

·      The challenges in diagnosing EOE

·      An indication of a connection between EOE and oral immunotherapy (OIT)

·      The importance of building a community of support 

I wish our family had access to this information years ago when our son was unexpectedly diagnosed with EOE, which was discovered three years into oral immunotherapy treatment. Information gives you the power to ask informed questions and make the best decisions for your family.

If you are considering embarking on OIT – please listen to this episode.

As with any episode of “Real Talk: Eosinophilic Diseases”, a list of time stamps by topic are provided in the caption. If you don’t have much time and want to focus on a certain topic, go to the episode caption and easily scroll to the topic of interest to you. 

Listeners can find all episodes of “Real Talk: Eosinophilic Diseases” at or where you listen to podcasts. Look for all of the great research and progress Dr. Ruchi Gupta and her team are making at The Center for Food Allergy & Asthma Research (CFAAR).

To learn more about our evolving EOE journey, look through the EOE page on my blog to discover how we live creatively while managing EOE and food allergies. We approach this with a can-do attitude.

For more information on OIT, EOE and other concerns, visit my Resources. Please get in touch with any questions.


Treating EOE with Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI)


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